Late Breaking News (LBN)

Despite the closure of the abstract submission window, we recognise that exceptional research knows no deadlines. That's why we're extending an invitation to submit your work for consideration as Late Breaking News.
Submit here

Abstract submission will open 19 February 2024

The guidelines for submitting Late Breaking News (LBN) are as follows:

  • Submission Method: Abstracts must be submitted exclusively online and sent to the Secretariat email address:
  • Eligibility: Only abstracts received after 14 June 2024 will be considered for Late Breaking News
  • Presentation Format: The accepted format for Late Breaking News submissions is oral presentation
  • Submission Deadline: Abstracts for the Late Breaking News session will be accepted until the 22nd of July [11:59 PM - UTC/GMT +1 hour]

Each contribution must conform to the traditional submission of abstracts, such as:

Topic, Language

  • Each contribution must relate to one of the featured conference topics;
  • Each abstract can only be submitted to one featured conference topic;
  • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.

Size, Content

  • The abstract is limited to 2,000 characters including spaces;
  • Abstracts must be structured as follows: Background, Case Study / Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion;
  • The title should be written in standard sentence style with lower case letters (except first word, names, human gene names [always upper-case letters & italics], etc.);
  • The text should be grammatically suitable for publication;
  • Special characters can be included during submission;
  • Non-standard abbreviations must be defined in the text;
  • Drugs must be mentioned by generic names, not trade names;
  • Abstracts must not be used to promote specific drugs, instruments etc.;
  • Submitted abstracts must provide results and not announcements; stating that “Findings will be discussed…” or similar is not acceptable;
  • The usage of special formatting should be limited. The correct replication in all media cannot be guaranteed.

In general, the SSIEM does not accept abstracts from companies. Abstracts must not be used to promote specific drugs, instruments etc. The presenter is responsible for compliance with data protection, copyrights, ethical regulations and laws. In cases where there is collaboration between companies and researchers from non-profit organizations, the work might be suitable for an abstract. Such an abstract will undergo standard selection procedures provided that conflicts of interests are clearly stated in detail. If the abstract is selected for an oral or poster presentation the presentation must have been submitted and has to be given by the collaborating researcher that is not employed by the company.

When submitting an abstract, please note that figures and tables are not permitted. Only text is accepted for submission.

Review, Registration

  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by several international experts;
  • Evaluation criteria are: Aim(s) and objective(s), materials and methodology, results and conclusions;
  • Abstracts that contain formal errors (multi-topic submission, not anonymised) will be rejected.

Abstract will be selected for the following presentation:

  • LateBreaking News Session on Friday morning.

It's important to note that abstracts submitted for Late Breaking News won't be included in the digital issue of Abstracts but will be presented and discussed during the SSIEM 2024, providing researchers with a valuable platform to showcase their latest findings to the scientific community.