Travel Scholarship for SSIEM Annual Symposium

About SSIEM Annual Symposium Travel Scholarship

The Society invites applications for Travel Scholarships of up to approximately €750 (seven hundred and fifty Euro) for European candidates, and up to approximately €1500 (one thousand five hundred Euro) for candidates outside Europe, to enable SSIEM members and non-members to attend the SSIEM Annual Symposium by covering the travel costs (including costs of visa, if necessary). In addition, the Society will cover the registration fee and accommodation in a hotel that will be booked for you. All travel scholarship winners will stay in the same hotel for up to four nights.

Applicants MUST be under 40 years of age on the day of submission.

Travel grants will be awarded to applicants with the highest final scores. The final score will consist of an assessment of financial need and abstract scientific content. Submissions will be ranked by four independent senior SSIEM members. In the event of a tie the award will be given to the applicant with the greater financial need and if these are equal to the applicant that is already an SSIEM member.

You cannot apply if you have received a travelscholarship in previous years.

If successful applicants, in receipt of the Scholarship, fail to attend the Symposium for which they have received the award, this will exclude them from applying in the future and other applicants from the same research group or hospital department from applying the following year.


Before proceeding you must have already submitted an abstract for this year’s SSIEM Symposium. You MUST BE the designated abstract presenter AND the first author.

You will need the reference number of the abstract.

The abstract, either in whole or in part, MUST NOT have been published elsewhere.

You can only submit ONE TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION and only ONE ABSTRACT per application.

If you are successful in being awarded travel scholarship costs we will display your details on the SSIEM and SSIEM Annual Symposium websites. You will be expected to write a brief report, on your return, about how your attendance at the meeting benefited you.


All applications must be submitted via the Travel Scholarship application section of the SSIEM Annual Symposium website and must include:


1. Abstract title and reference code of the abstract submitted to this year’s SSIEM Annual Symposium. Your submitted abstract will be automatically drawn to your application for travel scholarship.


   1. Detailed estimate of costs covering travel (for flights, only economy class will be reimbursed) and symposium registration.

   2. PDF document - a brief summary of the applicant's career (CV) and interest in clinical and/or scientific aspects of inborn errors of metabolism.

   3. PDF document - a letter signed by the applicant's Head of Department supporting the application and confirming the need for financial support.

Applications will not be considered if the correct procedure is not adhered to.


Applications must be received within five working days of the deadline for abstract submission, 29 April 2024.

Further details may be obtained from

The SSIEM Administrators

The Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Ltd

PO Box 3375, South Croydon, CR2 1PN United Kingdom
