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Sabine Fuchs

Sabine Fuchs is professor Metabolic Diseases and Innovative Therapies. She combines her clinical work as pediatrician in Metabolic Diseases with leading a research group in the Regenerative Medical Center Utrecht in the Hubrecht Institute. To address the enormous unmet need in care for patients with metabolic diseases, she employs innovative strategies like liver organoids and precise gene editing to develop treatments for these patients. She continuously tries to improve personalized disease modelling (Ardisasmita ea. Commun Biol 2022) and developed an improved liver organoid model, resulting in a spin-off company HeLLO R&D (winner of the proefdiervrij Venture Challenge and the UREKA challenge 2024). Having built a large metabolic biobank containing >300 patient-derived organoid lines, her team was the first to demonstrate that prime editing can restore disease phenotypes both genetically and functionally in patient-derived intestinal and liver organoids without generating unwanted genetic effects (Schene ea. Nature Commun 2020). To quickly adapt the prime-editing tools to the many different patient mutations, her team developed an innovative fluorescent reporter system (Schene ea. Nature Commun 2022). This expertise allowed her to set up a gene-correction program first targeting the liver using lipid nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery. With evolving delivery technologies (including virus-like particles), she now also focuses on other organs. For this work, she was awarded prestigious grants (ERC Proof of Concept, ERC Starting, ZonMW VICI, ZonMW Clinical Fellows, and ZonMW AGICO grants) and prizes (KNAW-Ammodo Science Award for Groundbreaking Research, Elisabeth von Freyburg penning). She is dedicated to translational research and strives to inspire translational scientists by participating in the EUREKA certificate program, the Utrecht Translational Medicine Summer School and TULIPS (Training Upcoming Leaders In Pediatric Science). To further stimulate “doing the right research right”, she is member of the UMCU Open Science Team and UMCU representative in the UU Open Science Platform.